Hm, June…

I’m attempting to put a positive spin on it, and yet, so far, I’ve got nothing to show for.

This June – not just temperamental. Fickle, at best, more than a little off balance, borderline vengeful (although I’m not quite sure what I could have possibly done to annoy it so much)… And after last night’s opening game of the UEFA Euros 2024, well, what can I say?

5 : 1.

Hm. Good for Germany, of course, but wouldn’t a slightly less disheartening thrashing of Scotland’s tender hopes have sufficed, too?

Here’s what I see this morning:

Picture credit: Britta Benson

June. Green, oh, yes, very, very green, and soaked to the bone. A tad chilly.

I’m in double knitwear.

Trust me, I am trying to put a positive spin on this summer. I’m a writer, after all. Surely, there’s something I can do… It’s not just about what happens to us. It’s all about how we tell our story! Words can work wonders.


Mind you, the way things stand, I guess, I’ll have to change genre, branch out to fantasy, or perhaps even science fiction writing, in order to get that summer feeling.

Happy Saturday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

©️2024 Britta Benson. No unauthorized use permitted.

13 thoughts on “Hm, June…

  1. ‘guess I am not helping – reporting my laptop tells me ’19 degrees C – partly sunny’ (in German) – reports on German political climate are dire, if that’s any consolation 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No rain from April until October??? I struggle to even imagine it… And while I keep complaining about the amount of rainfall here in Scotland, I do enjoy the lush saturated green of nature. A few dry days in between would be nice, though…


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