Multi story… and not just car parks

I’ve used most of today for research. All sorts of things. I love to hunt down and gather information. Well, it’s my human hunter and gatherer DNA, I guess. I’m not too fussed about stuff. Or tracking down the nearest bison. I do, however, love a bit of useless information.

Here goes. My super fact of the day. Something, I really didn’t know and am now all the happier for knowing. Will it change my life? No. Will it change your life? Most certainly not. Are you still curious?

I bet…

Let’s start the story.

I took plenty of photographs of public sculpture in Dundee on Thursday. One of the pieces that I particularly liked, was this Dalziel + Scullion environmental artwork from 2008 with the title ‘Catalyst’.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Here’s what they write about it on their website (

Catalyst is a permanent work sited in the cultural quarter of Dundee in Scotland. Catalyst takes the form of a draped life-sized car that has been cast in special catalytic cement. This is a new type of concrete material that performs a strange alchemy. Hidden within its make up 
is a catalytic material (nano-crystalline grade of titanium dioxide), that reacts with light to trigger
 the molecules of air borne pollutants, such as nitric oxides, carbon monoxide and sulphur monoxide 
to break apart. Daylight initiates this reaction on the active surface of the concrete, converting harmful nitrogen
 oxides into harmless nitrates, these are held on the concrete surface 
until the next rainfall, when it drains off into the soil and can be absorbed by plants. This was the first time 
this material had been used in the UK.’

Wow! I mean, WOW!

I love the fact that this ‘draped life-sized car’ sculpture is right in front of a multi story car park!

Multi story… that’s a word I never fully appreciated in all its connotations, until I saw and read about ‘Catalyst’. Well, there’s definitely more than one story in this sculpture.

Happy Sunday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

12 thoughts on “Multi story… and not just car parks

  1. Interesting! You and I must share some genetic pool somewhere on our double helices: I love nothing more than accumulating interesting facts! Most of them qualify as trivia, I’m sure, but interesting for the search nonetheless…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bits of useless information – that’s what I love. And somehow, I can always think of a way to weave it into a conversation or a story. The world is an interesting place! There’s a radio presenter coming up with a new ‘factoid’ every day, a bit of completely useless information. Always fascinating!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very cool! Now why if this substance exists, aren’t they coating the exterior of every building??! This material coupled with mandatory green space around buildings could really make a dent in environmental pollution….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the information and the intention but, like you say, would it not have been better placed adjacent to plants, a flower bed perhaps rather than a car park? Would love to know their thoughts on where it has been placed – permanently!

    Liked by 1 person

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