Dundee in yet another three sculptures

This might become a regular affair. I posted about Dundee last month, but I haven’t even scratched the surface.

I am attending a writing group in Dundee once a month and whenever I go, I stumble across wonderfully distinctive public art. There’s the big stuff, the ‘in your face’ sculptures.

Every major city has its fair share of that! Dundee, however, possesses something even better. The little unexpected things. Stuff, you may not even notice on your first, your second or third visit, and then, suddenly, you stop, because something doesn’t quite seem right.

Here are a few things I ‘found’ in Dundee today. I know they were there all along. I just simply hadn’t paid them enough attention. Look at this cheeky monkey, for example, messing up the letters on the information board.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Then, there was the wee squirrel I only noticed, because I sat down on the bench next to it.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Dundee is teeming with public art. The more often I visit, the more interesting things I see.

Oh, and then, of course, there are some of my firm favourites, I cannot help but revisit every time I go. Like the Alyson Conway sculpture of the three lemmings scrambling up a stone pillar in a tiny park just off Perth Road, near the former DMA Design office where these suicidal subjects were first created and went on to become a worldwide gaming blockbuster.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Who doesn’t like a lemming?

More, and bigger sculptures will follow tomorrow. I’ve got some rather disturbing/odd/weird things lined up for you.

Happy Thursday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

11 thoughts on “Dundee in yet another three sculptures

      1. All the tests have been done and we’re waiting for the doctors to tell us if there’s anything they can do. Quite an anxious wait. This is all about palliative care options. Once I have the doctors’ verdict, I can make a decision as to where I need to be. Thanks for asking, Rebecca.

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  1. That’s really cool! Like wandering around through an outdoor art museum. We have very little of that around here, and what there is, is not as whimsical. For example there is a statue of “Stonewall Jackson,” a Confederate General, no less, during the U.S. Civil War. Our county is even named after him even though he never stepped foot inside it, and I, in particular, see no reason to celebrate his career. I would much rather see the lemmings.

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