
Picture credit: Britta Benson

Here’s the highlight of my day so far: I’ve been watching two snails as they munched their way through one of the last leftover daffodils in my garden. Quite a serene spectacle and I have to say, I enjoyed it very, very much.

I also saw my first orange tip butterfly of the season. Finally! About time! It’s not a proper spring without them. So yay! What I day I’ve had…

And yes, there’s all the other stuff. Work. More work. And still catching up after having been away for two weeks. But let’s focus on the good stuff. It’s sunny. Well, sunny-ish. I’ve observed snails feast on my flowers and I followed a fluttering butterfly all the way up into the blue sky.

Oh, and last but not least, the bullfinch couple have decided to use my washing line as scene for their domestic discussions. I think, they had a bit of a tiff today. Still, in ‘bullfinch language’, even a barney sounds like an aria.

What bliss!

Happy Tuesday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

17 thoughts on “Snailwatch

      1. We had 8 goldfinches in today and not a single cross word between them. They queued nicely to await their turn at the feeders of choice and all flew away together. It may have been a WI meeting. For non UK readers -

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