A little bit of writing news

Picture credit: Britta Benson

So, good things. Remember, I celebrate the teensiest, tiniest speck of good writing news. Here’s my offering: Two of my poems have just been published in a chapbook, ‘Lombardi Voices’, Volume 19. I am holding my contributor’s copies in my greedy paws and it does feel great.

Can’t believe they actually sent the books from the US to Scotland! So thanks, Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Promgram!

Here’s a link to the PDF for a free download: https://georgetown.app.box.com/s/jiloq80k6gc4kvqq2rmwjzrup1eogm4i

It’s a lovely publication full of poetry friends. If you want to know my favourites, download the booklet and read Rose Avent’s poems. And Michelle Berberet’s contributions. And all the others. Did I mention? It’s a good book… if I say so myself.

Another little piece of information: On Thursday, 20th April, 7pm UK time, I’ll be reading my poem ‘Second’ at the 8th Poetry Cafe, equally organized by the Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program. I participated in last year’s Poetry Cafe and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, so I was very pleased to have another poem selected for their showcase. In case you are interested: Free tickets to the event are available on Eventbrite (https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/8th-annual-poetry-cafe-tickets-615989821137?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1)

Ta-da! That’s it for today.

Happy Wednesday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

PS: If you’re in the mood for yet another poem, my ‘Crow Funeral’ has just been published by MasticadoresIndia. Click here to have a look at the publication edited by Terveen Gill: Crow Funeral by Britta Benson – MasticadoresIndia // Editora: Terveen Gill (wordpress.com)

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