A nice bit of carpet

I love a good carpet and don’t get me started on rugs. The feeling of thick, fluffy plush. Walking on velvty, smooth clouds… ah, such bliss! I do like soft comfort. I also have an aversion to yoga mats (it’s the strange spongy smell of PVC, a total no go zone for me), so I do my exercise on a lovely £15 shag pile rug I purchased from IKEA many years ago.

One of my favourite carpets, however, is not part of my home. It’s located outside, in Glasgow’s East End, close to the building that used to be the Templeton Carpet Factory – where the famous patented spool Axminster carpets were made until the factory’s closure in 1979.

I pass my favourite outdoor carpet a couple of times a month on my walk to the Glasgow Women’s Library. Here’s a picture I took last Friday.

Picture credit: Britta Benson. Sculpture by Iain Kettles. ‘A cut from the factory floor’.

I love looking at the clouds through the gaps in this bronze carpet. I could do this for ages. To be honest, every time I pass, I keep thinking: Must write a letter to Glasgow City Council and ask for a bench to be put next to this sculpture. How come nobody has thought of this? Surely, it’s the most logical spot for a bench. I mean, look:

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Oh, and after the carpet, a bit of a confession. The event I attended at Glasgow Women’s Library on Friday was a Book Quiz. Fourteen questions and I only got twelve correct answers. Second best score in the room, but hey! A Book Quiz and I came second??? Let’s not dwell… It’ll be strictly between you and me.


Happy Sunday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

8 thoughts on “A nice bit of carpet

    1. Perhaps. I’ll simply have to stop and stare, whenever I pass this sculpture. The sky looks lovely through the gaps, the colours forever changing… ah, the pleasure of life!


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