Three Things

It’s a common journalling tool: Write down three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big. The smallest speck of gratitude, still a magnificent force and never to be underestimated. Gratitude has the best compound interest rate in the universe.

I try to write down my ‘three things I am grateful for’ ever day. Sometimes, they are even smaller than the speck of a speck of a speck. Atoms of gratitude. Occasionally, even split. Still, I know they’re there. On good days, they’re incredibly easy to find. They make themselves known in no uncertain terms. Boulders of gratitude. Ta-da!

On not so good days, I become a sleuth. I give Sherlock Homes a run for his money. I’m stubborn. I have an un-given-up perspective on life, a beginner’s mind. Engrained. Instinctive. Pain-in-the-arse, really, but useful at times.

Yesterday was tough. So instead of three words, I looked at the pictures on my phone. The ones I had taken over the course of the past week and I found three things I was exceedingly grateful for. Here goes.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

One. The very last tulips of the season, and boy, they were worth the wait! Stunners in their most elegant frock.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Two. Walking around Blackness Castle, this time with the tide out. Different. I collected driftwood from the shore for a poetry project I am still to think up. Inspired.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Three. Tree tops. Oh, tree tops! Ahhhhhhh. I can breathe.

Happy Wednesday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

©️2023 Britta Benson. No unauthorized use permitted.

10 thoughts on “Three Things

    1. Thank you! Much appreciated. The tulips are absolutely gorgeous, and I think I appreciate them even more because they are the last for this year.


    1. True, Rebecca. Gratitude is key. My dad’s not doing too well at the moment. There are no more treatment options, so the palliative care team are managing the situation. We’ll go to Germany in July and hope to have some more time with dad. Fingers crossed.

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  1. I bought The Five Minute Journal which also asks you to write 3 things I’m grateful for. You’re right that some days are much harder than others but there’s always something if you think hard enough. Over time, being grateful becomes ingrained and often, when something happens in my day, I thing how thankful I am and it becomes something to add for the next day. I love the idea of looking back over photos to spark off the process.

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    1. I started with The Five Minute Journal, when I turned 50 – which also coincided with the first Covid lockdown, and oh, I was so glad that I did my gratitude journal religiously. It helped me through the pandemic. Even on the really bad and tough days, there was always something to be grateful for. Even if it was just a nice meal that we cooked or a flower in the garden. For me, the gratitude journal was a game changer. Like you said, it becomes ingrained. Such a helpful tool for wellbeing – and everyone can do it. Thanks for reading and commenting, Laura. Much appreciated.

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