In Progress

A couple of weeks ago, I saw this in London:

Picture credit: Britta Benson

And before you ask: no, this is not the kind of shop I tend to frequent for my fashion choices. To be honest, I put off any purchase for as long as I possibly can. Fashion, somehow, doesn’t work for me. I prefer comfy. Machine washable. Anyway, as per usual, I digress.

So, while passing through Bond Street – and yes, it really was the quickest way to get me to where I was heading -, I came across this window and I thought: Wouldn’t it be nice if people could do the same? Put a sign up. ‘Person in progress’. ‘Give me time’. ‘I’m not for perusal just now, not open to judgement.’

Just a thought…

Happy Sunday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

©️2024 Britta Benson. No unauthorized use permitted.

22 thoughts on “In Progress

    1. I like the sound of that, Peter. I should probably start a crash course in embroidery and then just go ahead and do it. Maybe a whole set of t-shirts… I can see the ‘I can’t people today’ being very much so in demand…

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  1. Britta, As a writer grappling with what to show and to whom, your latest observation got me thinking how differently everyone views the same scene. When I saw the image of the window I assume there has been much thought and planning taken before the shade comes up. And the purpose is to build excitement and awe at the moment of the big revel. Does staying private in personal progress set-up the same kind of expectations for a big revel? And would the end result  have been less stressful and better with the odd and interesting comments along the way?     Anyway, I’m still pondering. Odell

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    1. Oh, those are interesting questions, Odell! I do like the idea of a build up of excitement and the big reveal. I also always enjoy the way different people interpret the same image. Sometimes, even the same person can come to different conclusions at different moments in life. Life will always be interesting and unpredictable! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Much appreciated!


  2. I’ve noticed that at certain stages, time is experienced differently. During bereavements, transitions, childhoold, older-hood, and and so on. Sometimes a moderate pace is needed, sometimes slow motion, sometimes one is racing along. It doesn’t work when others try to “adhust” one’s speed.

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  3. Absolutely! I’m a ‘Person in Progress’ this week – trying to get over a cold and just a snotty mess currently. Fortunately the internet is a little blind so no one can see my state and how much more progress is needed!

    Liked by 2 people

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