Upside down and dreaming

Let’s start this Monday morning with a little aside, a left over from my recent trip to London. Such a busy place, no matter what time of day or night. Anyone looking for a bit of space has to come up with rather ingenious solutions. Some of those solutions, I’m afraid, not available to humans.

If only!

I want to show you a couple of Anthony Gormley sculptures I admire for the simple fact that their personal space can never be encroached on. Okay, so they had to go to quite some lengths in order to secure a bit of prime London real estate, but hey ho… needs must.

Here’s a cast-iron, corroded man who hangs upside down from the ceiling in the foyer of the main entrance to the Wellcome Collection. I’m sure he enjoys his quite unique views of London and Londoners. He’ll see a lot of hair, hats and heads.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

He also enjoys a great view of the museum cafe and I’m not sure that’s a blessing. All those cakes and bakes, the smell of coffee… oh, temptation! I guess, being stuck on the ceiling does come with its own problems.

In the National Portrait Gallery, there’s another man at the end of an inaccessible ledge. Again, quite a unique view from over there. He can look down into the atrium and I guess, will see lots of hair, hats and heads as visitors move around the gallery in their predictable unpredictable ways.

Picture credit: Britta Benson

Also, just one wall separates this sculpture from the Tudor portraits. Cheek to cheek with Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and all of Henry’s other wives. Oh, the stories, the gossip, the chit chat – I’m quite jealous.

Perhaps all writers would love to be a statue every now and again. We could stand out there in the open, pride of place in unusual spaces, listen in to conversations, hear confessions. We could gawp and stare to our hearts content without raising any suspicion whatsoever and then, at the end of the day, go back to our desk and jot down the lot.

Ah, the dream…

Happy Monday to you all, upside down or not, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

©️2024 Britta Benson. No unauthorized use permitted.

8 thoughts on “Upside down and dreaming

    1. I’d love to be a statue – for a little while, not forever. Mind you, I don’t think I’d go for the upside down one… not the most comfortable of states…


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