
Ha, my first leap year post, first 29th of February – and I’ve been blogging since November 2000. Finally. So, let’s leap, right?

Hm. Well. 6.30am. I am still trying to summon my leaping powers.

Positives: Anything I do today will not show up on my timeline for another four years. Negatives: One day more till March. March! The dream! Can’t wait. Seems so much ‘springier’, although I know, of course, that the same lousy weather will prevail for quite some time to come.

I need coffee. And then I’m off to Dundee for the day. Later, I’ll need chamomile tea. It’s parents’ evening. My last parents’ evening. I’m going a bit sentimental. The downside of having a 17-year old son… all these endings and beginnings. He’ll finish school this summer. He’ll start who knows what. He’ll definitely be leaping at some point this year.

This is how I feel in the morning before my double espresso.

Picture credit: Britta Benson. ‘Flight’ by David Breuer-Weil. London

The sculpture by David Breuer-Weil is entitled ‘Flight’. Well… I’m still working on the flying business – and apparently, so is the guy on top of the sculpture. My superhero-skills, also slightly underdeveloped. I guess, I’d better take the bus to Dundee. Much, much safer.

Happy Thursday to you all, and I’ll see you here tomorrow, if you wish!

©️2024 Britta Benson. No unauthorized use permitted.

7 thoughts on “Leaping

  1. Good luck to our son as he thinks about beginning new phase. And cast a thought for my friend whose birthday it is today. She’s now 71, but has had a mere 17 birthdays so far …

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