Here and There

Travelling between Scotland and Germany, my ‘new’ home (well, hardly new, I’ve been living there – here? – for 24 years now!) and my ‘old’ home (at least that still rings true… anything referring to my younger years must be classed as ancient, positively prehistoric, if you ask my teenage son). This always ends upContinue reading “Here and There”

Miniature dignity

Germany currently celebrates the 75th anniversary of the ‘Grundgesetz’, the constitution (literally: basic law) of the Federal Republic of Germany. Everyone here gets a copy of that book at some point in their life. Usually while they’re still at school. It’s a very slim volume. No waffling, no sugar coating or beating round the bush.Continue reading “Miniature dignity”

Bears, Bears, Bears – and Lederhosen

Berlin is full of bears in all colours, shapes of sizes. The city mascotte, part of the coat of arms, and somehow, one gets used to this sloth or sleuth of bears very quickly. I mean, hey, what’s not to like? It’s almost a disappointment now whenever I turn a corner an the street doesn’tContinue reading “Bears, Bears, Bears – and Lederhosen”

Up and Down

We’re in Berlin for a few days before traveling to Frankfurt to see my dad. This detour has been on my list of things to do for a very long time. My son, nearly 18, hasn’t seen the Hauptstadt yet, which, for a half German simply couldn’t continue like that. Berlin is and always willContinue reading “Up and Down”

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