Three Things

It’s a common journalling tool: Write down three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big. The smallest speck of gratitude, still a magnificent force and never to be underestimated. Gratitude has the best compound interest rate in the universe. I try to write down my ‘three things I am grateful for’Continue reading “Three Things”

The perfect mantra

Not much to say, but I’ve still got a little something to brighten up your Sunday. A couple of days ago, I went for a walk around Blackness Castle. I passed the Lobster Pot, a restaurant in the centre of Blackness, and somehow, every time I pass it, I discover a new ‘something’. There’s aContinue reading “The perfect mantra”

7th February 2022 Blackness in the sunshine

Monday. But you know that. What you perhaps don’t know, is that I have this thing about Mondays. Also about the first of each month. And don’t even get me started on the first day of a new year. Each and every time I am confronted by a first – first day of my holidays,Continue reading “7th February 2022 Blackness in the sunshine”

31st January 2022 Bo’ness to Blackness and back again

Yesterday morning, we walked the four miles from Bo’ness to Blackness Castle along the foreshore of the Forth. And back again. A good eight miles and this early in my walking year, I can feel the distance we covered in my legs this morning. Must walk more. Defy the Scottish weather and my only moderatelyContinue reading “31st January 2022 Bo’ness to Blackness and back again”

2nd December 2021 The Blackness

An Dùbhlachd, or the Blackness, the Darkness, is the Scottish Gaelic word for the month of December. How’s that for a little cheer. And here’s the best part: It’s not an exaggeration either. More of a firm statement of intent. A programme of events. The highlight reel of the year. So I’ve just woken upContinue reading “2nd December 2021 The Blackness”

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