National Day of Reflection

So, today, first Sunday in March, and we ‘celebrate’ the National Day of Reflection. A new thing. A day to remember those lost during the pandemic – well, I guess, like everyone else affected by the aftermath of Covid (which, in my careful estimate covers the entire population of the planet in one way orContinue reading “National Day of Reflection”

Grandpaw Broon’s wisdom

Yesterday, I wrote about the Dundee Tapestry exhibition, about how much I enjoy low-tech and let’s face it: Embroidery rocks! (and yes, please, while I say this out loud, imagine me in my cool stance, well, imagine that I’ve got a cool stance in my infinite repertoire of stances) Today, I want to add aContinue reading “Grandpaw Broon’s wisdom”

The Dundee Tapestry

We live in a ridiculously high-tech world. So, how could you possibly portray a city in all its complexities, past, present and future? Perhaps some multi-media, fully digital interactive showcase? Lots of touch screens, buttons, gadgets and gizmos, an all singing and dancing affair, whirring and blinking and flashing and buzzing? Dundee has taken aContinue reading “The Dundee Tapestry”

Machines… yeah!

I’m still finding my footing in this new, well not so new anymore, year, and, yes, I know, I’ve said this before. I like the look of the number 2024 but I can’t seem to get into it good and proper. I’m still sidling, a visitor, unsure to open the door. Ever since returning fromContinue reading “Machines… yeah!”

Blame it on the lichen…

I’m just back from Dundee and I nearly missed my bus. As the popular song goes: Don’t blame it on the sunshine, don’t blame it on the moonlight, don’t blame it on the good times, blame it on the lichen… I’m sure those are the lines! Here’s the scene: I’m at the bus stop inContinue reading “Blame it on the lichen…”

Light, light, light

I’ll be on a plane to Germany in a few hours, so it’s time for something a little uplifting. Here’s a work of art I would like to share. Something bright. Really bright and beautiful and plastic – and I don’t often combine those three adjectives! It’s a piece by contemporary Dundee artist David BatchelorContinue reading “Light, light, light”

Between a dragon and a polar bear

I promised you more public art from Dundee, so here we go. A dragon and a polar bear – probably two of the strangest pieces in the city centre and they are positioned just feet apart. This is the thing I like so much about Dundee. The sculptures are a higgledy piggledy mix, a bitContinue reading “Between a dragon and a polar bear”

Dundee in yet another three sculptures

This might become a regular affair. I posted about Dundee last month, but I haven’t even scratched the surface. I am attending a writing group in Dundee once a month and whenever I go, I stumble across wonderfully distinctive public art. There’s the big stuff, the ‘in your face’ sculptures. Every major city has itsContinue reading “Dundee in yet another three sculptures”

Multi story… and not just car parks

I’ve used most of today for research. All sorts of things. I love to hunt down and gather information. Well, it’s my human hunter and gatherer DNA, I guess. I’m not too fussed about stuff. Or tracking down the nearest bison. I do, however, love a bit of useless information. Here goes. My super factContinue reading “Multi story… and not just car parks”

Dundee, continued, just for a bit

I’ll begin with sunrise next to the V&A. A beautiful, calm morning. Blue skies. Time to breathe. And then, of course, also time to wiggle my way through Dundee city centre in order to get to Blackness Library for my writing group. I arrived with a good hour to spare. An hour for a tenContinue reading “Dundee, continued, just for a bit”

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