Wayward Sisters

Is it just me? A couple of days ago, I saw this in Whitehall Gardens and it stopped me in my tracks: I know I read too much into things, or, perhaps closer to the point, I imagine scenes, scenarios, complications, echoes – even when seeing inanimate objects. Objects? I wouldn’t class flowers as objects.Continue reading “Wayward Sisters”


Still in London, and a teensy bit rushed today, so I’d like to share just a little purple. Simple and complicated at the same time. On my walks, I enjoy stopping in one of the hundreds of tiny public gardens, just off main roads and thoroughfares. Perfect spots for a lunchbreak in the summer sunshineContinue reading “Purpled”

Monday morning botany

My garden is tiny. No. Imagine a tiny garden and then cut it by half. Trim around the edges. Bring it in a little further, don’t be shy, just go for it, and you’re very nearly there. As we all know: Size doesn’t matter and is always in the eye of the beholder. Just likeContinue reading “Monday morning botany”

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