Three Things

It’s a common journalling tool: Write down three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big. The smallest speck of gratitude, still a magnificent force and never to be underestimated. Gratitude has the best compound interest rate in the universe. I try to write down my ‘three things I am grateful for’Continue reading “Three Things”

I am terrified of…

Don’t worry, this will not be a confession. I shall not spill the beans. You might, though. In your own time. In the comfort of your home. Let’s start with two facts: One. I journal. Two. I keep my journal private. Occasionally, I use bits of my journalling to inspire a blog. My blog, myContinue reading “I am terrified of…”

A long overdue reflection on habits

Just a wee something that I have noticed… This might be useful to other people, too. I do write morning pages. I journal. I always thought of this as a very good habit. A self care routine. And especially over the course of the pandemic, this journalling practice did the trick. Over the past fewContinue reading “A long overdue reflection on habits”

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