Wayward Sisters

Is it just me? A couple of days ago, I saw this in Whitehall Gardens and it stopped me in my tracks: I know I read too much into things, or, perhaps closer to the point, I imagine scenes, scenarios, complications, echoes – even when seeing inanimate objects. Objects? I wouldn’t class flowers as objects.Continue reading “Wayward Sisters”

Saturday Signs

I could show you the usual London sights… but I won’t. Not today. Instead, I’ve got two signs for you and you can make of them whatever you will. This one, I really, really liked, seen behind Tate Modern: Rewilding in Progress – oh, this is nice! Not just for the lawn. It’s clear thatContinue reading “Saturday Signs”


Still in London, and a teensy bit rushed today, so I’d like to share just a little purple. Simple and complicated at the same time. On my walks, I enjoy stopping in one of the hundreds of tiny public gardens, just off main roads and thoroughfares. Perfect spots for a lunchbreak in the summer sunshineContinue reading “Purpled”

Forgotten Streams

I love walking – pretty much anywhere. Every place has its particularities. Every surface feels different. I love walking in London a lot, because there’s always so much underneath my feet. Walking on history, quite the experience, and when it comes to history, there’s certainly no shortage of that. One of my favourite things hereContinue reading “Forgotten Streams”

Looking, again

Looking up, down, roundabout, all things I love doing. Necks are there for a reason, after all! Looking ahead, the one thing I’m trying not to do just now. Things will get bumpy in the not too distant future. This might explain my current obsession with straight lines and simply patterns, and the idea thatContinue reading “Looking, again”

Looking up

A little reality check: yes, yesterday, I had great news regarding a paid publication of a creative non fiction story and that’s wonderful. Of course, life never disappoints and is keen to put me in my place asap, so just a short while later I received a ‘nay’ for another submission, an opportunity I really,Continue reading “Looking up”


Ha, my first leap year post, first 29th of February – and I’ve been blogging since November 2000. Finally. So, let’s leap, right? Hm. Well. 6.30am. I am still trying to summon my leaping powers. Positives: Anything I do today will not show up on my timeline for another four years. Negatives: One day moreContinue reading “Leaping”

Upside down and dreaming

Let’s start this Monday morning with a little aside, a left over from my recent trip to London. Such a busy place, no matter what time of day or night. Anyone looking for a bit of space has to come up with rather ingenious solutions. Some of those solutions, I’m afraid, not available to humans.Continue reading “Upside down and dreaming”

In Progress

A couple of weeks ago, I saw this in London: And before you ask: no, this is not the kind of shop I tend to frequent for my fashion choices. To be honest, I put off any purchase for as long as I possibly can. Fashion, somehow, doesn’t work for me. I prefer comfy. MachineContinue reading “In Progress”

Chain of events, or: from Dutch to Deutsch

Here’s the thing… I am currently preparing prompts for my creative writing group, The Procrastinators. This week, we’ll use a number of photographs I took while visiting the Wallace Collection in London. I was particularly fascinated by a room full of small Dutch paintings. Intimate little scenes of everyday life. Almost an entire wall filledContinue reading “Chain of events, or: from Dutch to Deutsch”

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