Somewhere between poised and panicky

Good morning, afternoon, evening – whenever this little piece hits you, rest assured that all is well here in my humble abode. Kind of. Just the usual little hickups, shipwrecks, whatchimmacallits, aka: life. Happens a lot. So, yesterday, I was due to lead the Boundary Way Writers February session. I had it all prepared. Ta-da!Continue reading “Somewhere between poised and panicky”


We are surrounded by signs, messages, adverts – whether we want it or not, we’re reading all the time, even when we’re not ‘officially’ reading. We are nosy wee so-and-sos. We can’t help but notice all the words around us. Street names, till receipts, bus tickets, words, words, words. Curiosity – a blessing and aContinue reading “Signs”

Duvet Day

As London prepares for Fashion Week, let me show you my favourite contemporary outfit. Well, let me be perfecly frank here: I’m no fashion queen, not by any stretch of the imagination. I’m not even a fashion flower girl. I do however enjoy colour and comfort. I also love to express my mood with theContinue reading “Duvet Day”

Family tradition

Last night, we went to see Les Miserables, a musical I first saw when I was about the age of my son. This, to me, feels quite scary. Not the musical, but the timeline. Once I did the maths, I realized that the show has been going for 39 years. Jings cribbens, I’m getting old!Continue reading “Family tradition”

Dragons, dragons, everywhere!

So, yesterday… day two of our London visit and the city was full of dragons. Well, what else would you expect on the day of the Chinese New Year Celebration – and can I just say: I loved Dragon-London! It was brilliant! Dragons, dragons, everywhere. Even the fire engine and the first aid vehicle onContinue reading “Dragons, dragons, everywhere!”

An Enemy of the People

So, day one in London. Ibsen. Perfect. I had been looking forward to this. I had kept an eye out for the ticket prices for this show in the Duke of York’s theatre, confident, that the cheap bench seats in the upper gallery would eventually go on sale, once every other ticket had been sold.Continue reading “An Enemy of the People”


So, here are a few things I’ve learned today. It’s only 14.45. Still, this day, quite the revelation and full of interesting discoveries, some not for the faint hearted and you may wish to skip the last point. Number one: You know you haven’t slept that well on the nightbus when, upon arrival, you thinkContinue reading “Arriving”

Follow the green polka dot road

What else? I mean, hey, look at it. It’s so tempting… Mind you, my tree climbing days are well and truly over. All I can do now, is to follow the green polka dot road of mossy delights with a twinkle in my eyes and go ‘ahhhhhhh’. ‘Ahhhhhh.’ In other news: I’m off to LondonContinue reading “Follow the green polka dot road”

In construction

I don’t worry much about the general construction industry. Houses, offices, that kind of malarkey, not my thing. The only building I feel confident to assemble is a gingerbread house. Mine, always wonky, but very, very tasty. I’m more of a specialist, in the business of contructing sentences, putting words next to each other, onContinue reading “In construction”


It’s a dreich day. My sky, an abundance of grey, grey-grey and even greyer grey. I need colour, inside and out. I’m fed up with this continuous morning drizzle of monochrome. So, here it is. Colour. COLOUR. A couple of images I took last week at the Guildhall in London. I love stained glass windows.Continue reading “Colour”

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