
A week ago, I took part in a free Sculpture in the City walk. London has a huge amount of public art on display. Murals, installations, sculptures – some permanent, others constantly changing. There are always new things to discover. What I loved the most during our two hour walk was that our guide encouragedContinue reading “Sense(s)”


After yesterday’s emotional post, I feel the need for an easy-breezy little thing today, so let’s go small. Very small. 10×5 cm, to be precise. I have already shared two park benches with you over the past week. Well, not physically, but through my blog pictures, and in case you’ve missed the excellent wisdom thatContinue reading “Piffle”


Just a few precious impressions from London. Gold, not my colour, really. I don’t ‘do’ gold at all. Ever. For no good reason. Well, I prefer silver. That’s all. On my trip to London, though, I did see a few very interesting golden things and I think they make for a nice Monday post. So,Continue reading “Golden”

Looking up

I walk a lot. It’s what I do to get from A to B whenever possible and reasonable. It’s what I do to think, to ponder, to work things out. Sometimes, no, very often, actually, I have a wee discussion with myself while I’m walking or I repeat a line of poetry I like. TryContinue reading “Looking up”

Do not mess with lions

So, yes, I’m in London for a few days. As I write this blog, I am still trying to detangle my bones after eight hours on the nightbus. I always end up in some very advanced and not exactly pretty yoga pretzel pose, with various parts of my body numb, the rest not in theirContinue reading “Do not mess with lions”


I like words. This will come as no surprise. What I like even more, are found words. Words, that pop up, where I didn’t expect them to be. Ideally, and this is my once in a blue moon dream come true, I like to find unusual words in unexpected places. Quite a tall order, right?Continue reading “Words”

When a blue gorilla says it all…

Life can be a complicated conundrum that leaves us baffled and looking for clues in all the wrong places. Then again, on rare occasions, life offers moments of clarity, often the result of chance encounters and that’s exactly what I want to share with you today. I met someone! On Monday, I walked through theContinue reading “When a blue gorilla says it all…”

Morph Trail

Just a little public art to brighten up your day. This year’s public art trail in London is made up of 56 brightly painted Morph statues, placed all over the city. If you’re unfamiliar with Morph, he’s the title character of a British series of clay stop motion comedy animation from the 70s, a smallContinue reading “Morph Trail”

Drizzle, mizzle, mist

Yesterday, London disappeared in soft drizzle, mizzle, mist and to my greatest surprise, I enjoyed walking through the city in the rain. What I liked most, I guess, was watching how people ‘dealt’ with a day of persistent precipitation. There’s much to see! Many accept the wet, wet, wet, albeit grudginly, with a bit moreContinue reading “Drizzle, mizzle, mist”

London Sand

So, London, again… and as per usual, it’s the little surprises. One of my favourite walks is a stroll along the south bank of the river Thames. I enjoy the views. I also love watching the mudlarks looking for treasures at low tide. My particular highlight, however, is spending lots and lots of time observingContinue reading “London Sand”

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