
We have arrived in London. Yay. Yesterday evening, I would have taken this fact for granted. This morning, however, I was getting some serious doubts whether we would ever make it all the way to Victoria Coach Station. Why? Well, let me just say this much: it appears that our bus driver had never doneContinue reading “Arrived”


So, I put it out there straight away. Yes. I did a photoshoot with a crocosmia stem today. Slim, elegant, and such a poser! I spent a good wee while in my garden, taking pictures of this beauty and before you ask: yes, of course, I had far more pressing things to get on with.Continue reading “Photoshoot”

Sunday, scrunched up face day

Lots of things in my life go right. Lots of things in my life go wrong. Very, very wrong. Still, it’s a balance and one has to look at the overall picture (not the one above, but don’t worry, I’ll get to it pretty, pretty soon). For as long as there is even the teensiest,Continue reading “Sunday, scrunched up face day”

14th October 2021 A thank you letter to Chisenhale Gallery, London

So here’s the thing. I had today’s blog all thought up, not yet written, but ready in my head. On the cusp, so to speak. In the offing. In case you wonder: it was supposed to be about banana bread. At 6.59pm last night, I had it planned, sorted and there was a knowing smileContinue reading “14th October 2021 A thank you letter to Chisenhale Gallery, London”

18th August 2021 The best bits

Let me tell you a little story about something that happened yesterday. A friend asked me about the highlights of my recent trip to London with my son. I have a sneaky suspicion she expected to hear stories about the big ticket items, the major sights and attractions and let’s face it, London has gotContinue reading “18th August 2021 The best bits”

11th August 2021 All Hallows by the Tower

I returned from London yesterday. There are still a few stories to be told. Here’s one of them. All Hallows by the Tower claims to be the oldest church in the City of London. Like all claims along the line of ‘the oldest’, it is open to dispute. Let’s just say, it is definitely aContinue reading “11th August 2021 All Hallows by the Tower”

10th August 2021 Off the nightbus once again

It’s an experience, to say the least. Good? Bad? Depends, is probably the closest to the truth. Revealing – for sure. That’s why I love travelling on the nightbus. I could, of course, also admit, that it’s by far the cheapest way to travel, the only way I can afford to go places, but let’sContinue reading “10th August 2021 Off the nightbus once again”

8th August 2021 Museum bums and other bits

My son knows the drill. No visit to London is complete without his mother’s sentimental pilgrimage to the British Museum. It’s always the same. I walk straight to the room with the Rosetta stone and then I drool over this linguistic marvel, the key to understanding the hieroglyphs, for an unspecified period of time. IContinue reading “8th August 2021 Museum bums and other bits”

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