Chain of events, or: from Dutch to Deutsch

Here’s the thing… I am currently preparing prompts for my creative writing group, The Procrastinators. This week, we’ll use a number of photographs I took while visiting the Wallace Collection in London. I was particularly fascinated by a room full of small Dutch paintings. Intimate little scenes of everyday life. Almost an entire wall filledContinue reading “Chain of events, or: from Dutch to Deutsch”

More than one

A few weeks ago, I was in the National Library of Scotland visiting a new exhibition about Gaelic folktales. Parts of the exhibition dealt with translation. This got me to think about my everyday life. I am always in and out of languages. My day, at least bilingual, often more. I like this state. IContinue reading “More than one”

The thing about being a person

Please bear with me as I veer off piste… I’ve written a wee something today that I wish to share and it’s a bit weird, but I like it, so here goes. The thing about being a person Hear me out. I am a whole person. I just happen to be a whole person whoContinue reading “The thing about being a person”

Mum’s mum

I wrote this prose poem about Margarete Werner, my mother’s mother, for International Women’s Day. Also in response to Rebecca Cuningham’s March poetry challenge. This month, Rebecca asks poets to write about a woman we admire (for full guidelines, visit: Mum’s mum I don’t even know how I said your name or what IContinue reading “Mum’s mum”

Day One

So, this is it. Day one of NaNoWriMo and of course, I’m busy. Lots of things going on today, other than me actually working on my writing project. I have a theory: If you want something done, ask a busy person. There’s a lot of truth in that. Often, on the days when I simplyContinue reading “Day One”

14th December 2021 Yesterday

Ya, dearest reader, I’ll take you all the way to the past. To my yesterday. And I literally mean ‘yesterday’, not some distant event in my youth, back then, in the early history of this planet. Yesterday, I had the glorious idea to accompany my husband to the town centre. He was due to getContinue reading “14th December 2021 Yesterday”

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