Forgotten Streams

I love walking – pretty much anywhere. Every place has its particularities. Every surface feels different. I love walking in London a lot, because there’s always so much underneath my feet. Walking on history, quite the experience, and when it comes to history, there’s certainly no shortage of that. One of my favourite things hereContinue reading “Forgotten Streams”

Upside down and dreaming

Let’s start this Monday morning with a little aside, a left over from my recent trip to London. Such a busy place, no matter what time of day or night. Anyone looking for a bit of space has to come up with rather ingenious solutions. Some of those solutions, I’m afraid, not available to humans.Continue reading “Upside down and dreaming”

Somewhere between poised and panicky

Good morning, afternoon, evening – whenever this little piece hits you, rest assured that all is well here in my humble abode. Kind of. Just the usual little hickups, shipwrecks, whatchimmacallits, aka: life. Happens a lot. So, yesterday, I was due to lead the Boundary Way Writers February session. I had it all prepared. Ta-da!Continue reading “Somewhere between poised and panicky”

About a traffic cone

Bank Holiday Monday morning and I’ve got a wee something I want to share. Nothing big, nothing major, just an observation. A traffic cone. Yes, a traffic cone. Not just any traffic cone, oh no, only the best for my readers: I give you a famous traffic cone, at least from a Glaswegian perspective. LetContinue reading “About a traffic cone”

A nice bit of carpet

I love a good carpet and don’t get me started on rugs. The feeling of thick, fluffy plush. Walking on velvty, smooth clouds… ah, such bliss! I do like soft comfort. I also have an aversion to yoga mats (it’s the strange spongy smell of PVC, a total no go zone for me), so IContinue reading “A nice bit of carpet”

Dundee in yet another three sculptures

This might become a regular affair. I posted about Dundee last month, but I haven’t even scratched the surface. I am attending a writing group in Dundee once a month and whenever I go, I stumble across wonderfully distinctive public art. There’s the big stuff, the ‘in your face’ sculptures. Every major city has itsContinue reading “Dundee in yet another three sculptures”

Multi story… and not just car parks

I’ve used most of today for research. All sorts of things. I love to hunt down and gather information. Well, it’s my human hunter and gatherer DNA, I guess. I’m not too fussed about stuff. Or tracking down the nearest bison. I do, however, love a bit of useless information. Here goes. My super factContinue reading “Multi story… and not just car parks”

It’s a sign!

Here’s the next instalment of my story. An explanation, of sorts. How I ended up in Scotland, of all places. And although all of this makes perfect sense to me, I do understand that it may sound odd to most other people. Yesterday, in ‘Choices’, I left you hanging in the ladies’ toilet. Yes, theContinue reading “It’s a sign!”

8th August 2021 Museum bums and other bits

My son knows the drill. No visit to London is complete without his mother’s sentimental pilgrimage to the British Museum. It’s always the same. I walk straight to the room with the Rosetta stone and then I drool over this linguistic marvel, the key to understanding the hieroglyphs, for an unspecified period of time. IContinue reading “8th August 2021 Museum bums and other bits”

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