
This, would you believe it, is a snail and frog free post. Ya. I know. You don’t believe me. Not at this point in time and I totally get it. It’s true, though. Bear with me. There’s more to life than snails and frogs. Well, a few things. Ta-da: I finally did it! I satContinue reading “Sign”

Three things I learned on the Eurostar

We took the Eurostar from St Pancras Station in London to the Gare du Nord in Paris. I have learned three interesting things in transit. Every day’s a school day and a train journey can be highly educational. Here goes. My three facts. One: The tunnel under the English Channel is 50.45km long and 75mContinue reading “Three things I learned on the Eurostar”

It’s a sign!

Here’s the next instalment of my story. An explanation, of sorts. How I ended up in Scotland, of all places. And although all of this makes perfect sense to me, I do understand that it may sound odd to most other people. Yesterday, in ‘Choices’, I left you hanging in the ladies’ toilet. Yes, theContinue reading “It’s a sign!”

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