A few links

Morning all. I just want to share a few links with you. Number one: Here’s the link to the YouTube video of ‘The Golden Hours’ book launch in August. My reading is starts 7.45 minutes in. All I can say is this: the other readings are excellent. Miss them at your own peril. My reading,Continue reading “A few links”

A little extra

So, here’s another wee story related to yesterday’s blog post. A few unexpected things happened. My husband and son couldn’t be with me on the night. My son had planned dental surgery requiring sedation yesterday morning. Typical. We waited for two years for this appointment (it’s all to do with him getting braces in aContinue reading “A little extra”

The Golden Hours

So, here’s a bit of last year’s news. Another tiny victory – and if you’ve been following my blog for a while or even since forever, you know that writing successes, no matter how small, don’t happen very often and when they do, I celebrate. Look at my smug, happy face: You’ll also know, thatContinue reading “The Golden Hours”

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