The thing about trees

Just an image I took yesterday as I passed my old primary school. Well, my ‘old’ primary school doesn’t exist any more due to the skillful work of an arsenist. Not me, by the way. It happened many, many years after I left. And just to make it clear: While I hold a lot ofContinue reading “The thing about trees”


It’s St Patrick’s Day, so I couldn’t not do a green post. Green-ish. Moss-ish. Lichen-ish. And you’ll know where this is going. That’s the thing here in Scotland. Even in Winter, with all the leaves long gone, our trees look quite green. Brightly green at times. Fabulously green. It’s all due to their beautiful undergarmentContinue reading “Green”

Looking at wings

December enters the scene with glorious sunshine and raw frost. I am in love with winter light, that most incredible ultramarine blue on a crisp, clear day. There is no other way, I mean, look: This is awesome. And yes, I’m the annoying person, stopping in the middle of a path to look at theContinue reading “Looking at wings”


After yesterday’s rant about air fresheners – and no, they don’t freshen air, but you know this – I feel the need for a more positive post. No air freshener in sight. Thank goodness for that! Oh, and for those of you looking for an alternative, fresh air is available free of charge by openingContinue reading “Leaves”

Little Trees

Wednesday, and I’m in a bit of a silly mood. So, I’ve got news. I’m just back from a walk and it’s been quite an education. Turns out, all these years, I’ve been so, so wrong about trees and where they come from. I always thought they grew from seeds. Nope! Couldn’t be further fromContinue reading “Little Trees”


This November, I have set myself the task of looking. Looking up, looking down, looking deep, basically, looking everywhere, all in the hope of developing an understanding. Ideally, more than that. An appreciation. Of sorts, at least. November, not my favourite. Not my forte, either. I usually sum it up with the three ‘d’s: damp,Continue reading “Yes-vember”

Three Things

It’s a common journalling tool: Write down three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big. The smallest speck of gratitude, still a magnificent force and never to be underestimated. Gratitude has the best compound interest rate in the universe. I try to write down my ‘three things I am grateful for’Continue reading “Three Things”

The morning hare

I’m watching a hare in the field while listening to different birds this morning. The lack of magpies is soothing. Yesterday, upon arrival, I saw a yellowhammer. Beautiful, beautiful bird! I’m visiting my friend Gail on the outskirts of Forfar for a few days, so I’m looking out to a new world. Field upon fieldContinue reading “The morning hare”

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